Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Global Warming Hypocrisy

First: Prince Charles--who has licked his finger, stuck it into the wind, and announced that Global Warming (Praise Gaia and her anointed profits [I mean that.] the Al Gore and Tom Brokaw and Prince Charles. Hah-men!) is the "biggest threat to mankind"--booked 62 seats for he and his staff of 20 to fly on a commercial jet to Harvard to pick up an award for his environmental work. He chose the commercial jet because the carbon footprint for a passenger jet would be smaller. Well, it would be if the jet was full. The math is at the link above.

Second: the Global Warming summit in Bali.

Umm. . . Why Bali? What kind of carbon footprint is dozens of flights to Bali so the attendees can tell that Global Warming is America's fault and responsibility? Couldn't they had had an Internet summit to make the point? Nope. Beaches on Bali, man. There are no beaches at Internet summits.




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