Friday, December 28, 2007

Fortress AmeriKKKa - Day 592

With all the keeping Chri$t in Chri$tma$ stuff and keeping non-Christians from seeing Santa going on, a few things have slipped under the Homeland Security radar. First, Congress decided not to fund the Southern Border Fence (more commonly known as the "Keep those fuckin' Meskins in Mesko" fence). More accurately, a bill was passed that allowed the Department of White Homeland Security to have some flexibility in where they divert, I mean spend, their funds. So if your were hoping Santa would bring you a three layered, 700 mile fence between the white skins and the brown skins, well, you ain't getting it.

But all is not lost!

Some folks in Arizona want to build a wetlands between the US and Mexico. They want to clear thick brush, build steep levees and flood dry riverbanks.

In the desert.

That's right. They want to build a moat. The only things missing are alligators and a drawbridge.

So let's all fall to our knees and pray: "Dear Santa, next year, please bring us a moat. Amen."

Apparently, the Rio Grande isn't good enough.



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