Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tom T. Hall

In some of my songs I have casually mentioned
The fact that I like to drink beer
This little song is more to the point
Roll out the barrel and lend me your ears

I like beer. it makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer. it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow (makes him feel mellow)
Whiskey’s too rough, champagne costs too much, vodka puts my mouth in gear
This little refrain should help me explain as a matter of fact I like beer
(he likes beer)

My wife often frowns when we’re out on the town
And I’m wearing a suit and a tie
She’s sipping vermouth and she thinks I’m uncouth
When I yell as the waiter goes by


Last night I dreamed that I passed from the scene
And I went to a place so sublime
Aw, the water was clear and tasted like beer
Then they turned it all into wine (awww)

I like beer. it makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer. it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow (makes him feel mellow)
Whiskey’s too rough, champagne costs too much, and vodka puts my mouth in gear
Aw, this little refrain should help me explain as a matter of fact I love beer
(yes, he likes beer)

Have you ever heard a song that sums up your life?

I hit 18 in the days when legal adults could drink beer. Don't even get me started on this whole issue. We could debate it for years, and never come to a consensus.

I didn't drink beer, however, until I hit 20. I didn't like it. Even when I started drinking beer, I didn't drink all that much. Yeah, on the weekends I did my fair share.

It wasn't until the end of my RJR career, when things with the job and The-Bitch-In-Austin-Do-I-Sound-Bitter were going south. I started drinking at least 6 beers a day, but more often it was 12. Hence my rotund belly!

After moving back to Fredericksburg, I stopped drinking as much, but I never stopped. When I started homebrewing, I could brew almost as much as I drank, though I don't think I ever really acheived that goal.

I have never, ever, missed a day of work because of a hangover. I've thought about it, but never did. Neither have I ever gotten so drunk that I do not remember what I did the night before. And while I have come home and gone to sleep, I never passed out while drinking.

Late last year, I decided to cut back. I began drinking less when I had to go to work the next morning, saving the hangovers for days off. I have enjoyed some success with this approach, but the hangovers have gotten worse on my days off.

Now let's look at the cost. Assuming I buy an 18 pack of the cheapest beer ($10) every three days, I still spend $25 a week on beer. That's $1200 a year! YIKES!

This one's gonna be hard!


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