Monday, April 18, 2005

I have a difficult time controlling my spending. And controlling spending has to be the first step in getting my finances in order.

While I have also been decluttering my life, selling comics and dvds on eBay and Amazon, I've been depositing the funds in my account as quickly as I can. Unfortunately, I seem to have been spending the funds before they get into my account, and for the third time this year I am horribly overdrawn!

I hate reconciling my checkbook. With a passion. But I have to start doing it.

So going back to my goals post, I've come up with this goal: I will have no more overdrafts this year."

To acheive this goal,I need to do four things: 1)reduce my daily expenses as much as possible, 2) use check book software to help me do the math in reconciling my checkbook, 3) set up a routine that forces me to know what my checking balance is on a daily basis and 4) set up a system to organize my bills so I can pay them in the appropriate order, and minimize late fees.

Tomorrow, I'll post my thoughts on step one. If you have any advice on any of these steps, please feel free to share it.


The ever handy Aunt Annie said I could link to her method of arganizing bills.


Blogger Annie said...

Here is my post about organizing bills:


Feel free to email me any questions!

8:07 PM  

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