Monday, September 18, 2006

I Give! I Give!

An Arctic seal in fairly perfect health was found on a North Carolina Beach. Because no animal has ever gotten lost and strayed into territory it's not supposed to live in or strand themselves on beaches where their massive bulk kills them, this must be a sign of Global Warming ("Praise Gaia and her annointed prophet Al Gore!"©™ Hahhh-Men!). Just like last year's overly active hurricane season is proof of Global Warming ("Praise Gaia and her annointed prophet Al Gore!"©™ Hahhh-Men!). Just like this year's underwhelming hurricane season is proof of Global Warming ("Praise Gaia and her annointed prophet Al Gore!"©™ Hahhh-Men!).

The seal's appearance on a southern beach isn't unprecedented, said Wendy Walton, a veterinarian technician with the Virginia Aquariums stranding program. A half dozen wayward ice seals have been brought to the facility in the past two months. The seals have been found as far south as Florida and the Caribbean.

Blasphemy! This has to be a sign of the climatological Apocalypse!

As it says in the Bible of Global Warming"©™ "If they accept, it will be best for them; but if they turn back to their false beliefs, Gaia will punish them: They shall have none on Earth (Praise Gaia!) to protect them from a Flame War," (Book of PETA 9:74), so shall it be! FLAME WAR!!



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