Monday, January 15, 2007

Fortress Amerika Day 243

Texas-based pizza chain Pizza Patron, has found itself the object of hate mail a death threats from peace loving whites and English-firsters. What inspires such hatred of a hispanic owned business? Why, signs reading "Aceptamos pesos"--or "We accept pesos"--at its stores across Texas, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and California. A Pizza Patron spokesman said all they were trying to do is sell more pizzas to its hispanic customers, who make up 60% of their business.

I saw one interview on San Antonio news and a native-born (but hispanic and therefore second rate and suspect) citizen said, "This is great! My grandmother keeps sending me money from Mexico. Now I can spend it!"

The chain usually locates its stores in Hispanic neighborhoods and requires its managers to be bilingual and to live in the area. The company proudly proclaims: "to serve the Hispanic community is our passion."

Please note that there were no death threats against the stores along the Canadian border that take Canadian dollars, thereby proving that the English-firsters and peso haters don't object to accepting foreign currency from a white country.

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