Thursday, October 30, 2008

An Open Letter to My US Senators and US Representative

I feel I should share with you how the recent downturn in the economy is affecting me, and how my actions are affecting the economy.

I work in the travel industry and revenue is down, and my income will be down. Unlike the bankers on the receiving end of the first and second bailouts, I will not be getting a generous bonus anyway this year. And my annual salary increase is likely to be smaller than last years (not that it was keeping up with inflation anyway, mind you).

I am planning two long trips next year. Now those plans are in jeopardy because of high airline prices and their Byzantine array of additional fees and charges. Should I cancel these trips:

  • I will not be driving my car to the airport, which reduces the wear and tear on my vehicle, delaying my purchase of a new vehicle which will boost the economy. 
  • I will not be flying, forcing the already struggling airline industry to lay off more workers, perhaps even my cousin who works for a major airline in Fort Worth, who will need to collect unemployment and possibly welfare to feed his four children.
  • I will not be renting a car, which reduces the wear and tear on that vehicle, delaying the rental company’s purchase of a new vehicle which will boost the economy.
  • I will not be staying at the hotel, which will reduce the revenues of an already floundering tourism industry. People could be laid off. (Please see the second item about the impact of that.)
  • I will not be eating at local restaurants or buying souvenirs at local shops, which will force those businesses to cut costs, and possibly lay employees off. (Please see the second item about the impact of that.)

Two additional trips on the “Maybe” page of my planner are being moved to the “Extremely Unlikely” page, further harming the economy.

As you can see, these two trips, already planned, have a large impact on the economy. I am reluctant to further harm the economy by my actions. As a result, I am asking for $25,000 in Federal Funds to bail out my vacation plans, and pay off some debt that will allow me to continue to travel and contribute money to the economy. I feel justified in asking for these funds, since GM and Chrysler are asking for $10 billion so they can merge companies. If the government has the funds for that, surely—after almost a hundred billion to bail out Wall Street—you have enough to assist me, merely a lowly citizen of the Republic and not a wealthy corporation that contributes millions to your PAC.



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