Fortress AmeriKKKa - Day 892
One of the big arguments to seal our border to the South is to keep Meskins from stealing jobs that any AmeriKKKan would take in a heartbeat. I often counter that I don't see many true AmeriKKKans filling out applications to pick strawberries, say, or digging post holes. But, I am assured, there are AmeriKKKans who would take them.
Well, there's one job that AmeriKKKans don't want: teaching math, science and special education in poor urban and rural districts. These school districts cannot match the salary of richer districts, and some teachers simply don't want to teach in poor urban areas, mainly because of the crime. My brother, a math teacher, got several job offers from schools in Houston, San Antonio and Austin, but he turned them down because they wouldn't let him wear Kevlar to school.
Anyway, some poor districts in Arizona are outsourcing these teaching posts:
A growing number of school districts are hiring teachers from foreign countries to fill shortages in math, science and special education. . ."American workers are not willing to do the work for the conditions and pay we offer," [Segun Eubanks, director of teacher quality at the National Education Association, the United States' largest teachers union] says. "So we're recruiting them for the same reasons we recruit farmworkers and day laborers."
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