Monday, February 05, 2007

Hoo Boy! The news just keeps on coming, doesn't it folks?

Jennifer M. Villacrusis, a former junior high guidance counselor, is alleged to have had sex with a 16 year-old male student in her Hughesville Area Middle School office on November 29, then again on the 30th at her home. Villacrusis--who, while not a smoking hottie, is attractive--alleged that the boy had raped her (until he got tired, as the old joke goes), but the police aren't pursuing that line of inquiry. Well, on January 30, she gave up her right to trial in hopes for a sentence of Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition or ARD. As I understand it, it is probation for innocent people. Villacrusis isn't admitting guilt, you understand, but will take probation to avoid a trial.

Thank goodness that pretty white women who molest children have that option.

C'mon, Hillary! Let's see you get behind the Christian Burka campaign. After all, it takes a village to raise a child!



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